Designers and Programmers Required: 5 Most Famous Icon Websites | Web Scraping Tool | ScrapeStorm
Abstract:This article will introduce 5 most famous icon websites for designers and programmers. ScrapeStormFree Download
The site icon is the same site logo as the Logo and Banner. Having a quirky icon can enhance users’ impression of your site. Allow users to quickly find your website from many open subpages.
So, I chose 5 sites where you can find the most famous icons.
1.icon finder
The icon professional icon site made by Copenhagen team has 1563889 icons and 37058 icon sets, it is one of the most professional icon icon sites. It is not just a simple icon search, it has convenient functions for designers and creators.

2.Noun Project
The Noun Project features the most diverse collection of icons and stock photos ever. Download SVG and PNG. Browse over 3 million art-quality icons and photos.

“FLAT ICON DESIGN” is a site that stocks flat design icon materials that are attracting attention in web design and smartphone UI these days. Anyone can freely use the flat icon materials posted on this site without credit or permission as long as they do not violate the terms of use.

4.Material icons
Material Icons is a font service provided by Google tailored to Material Design. We have collected up to 10,000+ icons, including most of the icons for topics like web pages, layouts, audio, business and more. When used on a website, icon fonts can be easily displayed by simply loading the style sheet in the same way as Google Fonts.

This is a material distribution site where you can download monotone icon materials for commercial use free of charge. In addition to web design and DTP, we stock icon materials that can be used in the business scene. Each category also has a slightly special icon. Surprisingly, the number is over 6,000! It is also convenient to be able to search for icons.

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