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Make programming easy! 5 AI programming tools | Web Scraping Tool | ScrapeStorm

2024-02-06 20:10:44

Abstract:This article will introduce 5 AI programming tools. ScrapeStormFree Download

Due to the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, it is gradually permeating various fields, one of which is the field of programming. The advent of AI programming tools has had a huge impact on programming, bringing unprecedented convenience and efficiency to programmers. This article introduces some AI programming tools to make your programming work more convenient.

1. GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is a programming support tool jointly developed by OpenAI and GitHub. Automatically generate code and make suggestions using AI models. When programmers write code, they simply enter comments and code snippets, and Copilot automatically generates the appropriate code.

It learns from a vast open source code repository and supports many programming languages. Therefore, it supports various code situations and provides codes with high accuracy. In addition to automatically generating code, it also provides support for writing programs efficiently, such as suggesting variable and function names.

2. Codeium

Codeium is an AI code completion extension that can be used in IDEs (integrated development environments) such as VS Code and JetBrains. It positions itself as a code compilation tool that uses artificial intelligence to complete blocks of code without having to search everywhere on the internet. No matter what language or IDE you use, the tool can be easily integrated into your stack.

3. CodiumAI

CodiumAI plugs into his IDE and suggests meaningful test suites while coding. This is done by exploring and analyzing code, documentation strings, comments, and dynamically interacting with developers.

Get her free CodiumAI for Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript (VSCode and JetBrains IDE supported)

4. HTTPie AI

HTTPie is a command line HTTP client. Its goal is to make CLI interactions with web services as human-friendly as possible. It provides a simple http command that allows you to send arbitrary HTTP requests using a simple and natural syntax, and displays the output with color coding. HTTPie can be used for testing, debugging, and general interaction with HTTP servers.

5. Codiga

Codiga is a static code analysis tool available for a variety of platforms, IDEs, and other programs. It is primarily a security-focused product that allows real-time automatic code remediation. Essentially, this is a technique for keeping your code as efficient, safe, and clean as possible.

It supports the most widely used languages including YML, JavaScript, typescript, ruby, and Java.

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