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Turnover | Web Scraping Tool | ScrapeStorm

2024-10-24 16:57:57

Abstract:Turnover refers to the total amount of financial products bought and sold in a market during a specific period. ScrapeStormFree Download

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Turnover refers to the total amount of financial products bought and sold in a market during a specific period. In the financial industry, it is usually used to indicate the trading volume of stocks, bonds, and commodities, and in business it can also refer to a company’s sales revenue or employee turnover (employee retention rate). Here we will mainly focus on turnover in financial markets.

Applicable Scene

Investors use trading volume to gauge market trends. A sudden increase in trading volume can indicate some big change in the market (new information or an event). Conversely, low trading volume means the market is quiet. A company’s trading volume (sales) is an important indicator of the company’s growth and market presence.

Pros: High trading volume indicates that the market is active and liquid. This allows investors to participate in trading with confidence. A sudden increase in trading volume often foreshadows large price fluctuations and trend reversals, and can be a hint for investors to make appropriate decisions. A company’s trading volume as sales is an important indicator for understanding the company’s growth potential and market share. Companies with stable sales are considered attractive investment targets.

Cons: High trading volume can create excessive expectations and anxiety, which can lead to temporary price fluctuations. Short-term traders are particularly susceptible to this. High trading volume does not necessarily mean the market is healthy. Investors should consider other indicators (price fluctuations, fundamental analysis, etc.) along with trading volume.


1. Turnover.

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