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Verification code | Web Scraping Tool | ScrapeStorm

2023-10-17 16:19:07

Abstract:Verification code is security measures used to verify a user's identity or verify user actions. ScrapeStormFree Download

ScrapeStorm is a powerful, no-programming, easy-to-use artificial intelligence web scraping tool.


Verification code is security measures used to verify a user’s identity or verify user actions. This is usually randomly generated text or images consisting of numbers, letters, or symbols that can be used to prove that you are a real user and not an automated program (such as a robot or crawler). or must be sent after recognition.

Applicable Scene

Verification codes typically have a certain timeliness, requiring the user to complete an input or recognition operation within a certain amount of time. Verification codes come in a variety of formats, including image verification codes, SMS verification codes, and voice verification codes. The choice of different forms of verification code depends on your specific application scenario and security requirements.

Pros: Verification code can effectively reduce the risk of intrusion by malicious users or automated programs (such as robots or crawlers) and improve system security.

Cons: Verification codes can improve security, but some advanced automation tools and algorithms may still break simple verification codes, and the complexity of verification codes must be continuously improved. .


1. Verification code.

2. Verification code.

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