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What changes will the 5G era bring to our lives? | Web Scraping Tool | ScrapeStorm

2021-11-05 15:51:50

Abstract:This article will introduce what changes will the 5G era bring to our lives? ScrapeStormFree Download

5G is the 5th generation mobile communication system that will be the next generation of LTE-Advanced. In addition to high speed and large capacity, multi-connection and low latency (real time) are realized, and it is expected to meet a wide range of needs from human devices to IoT.
What changes will the 5G era bring to our lives?

1. Smartphone innovation
At the 2019 GSMA Mobile World Congress, smartphone makers, mainly in China and South Korea, launched 5G-compatible smartphones. In addition, curved display smartphones realize flexible and curved displays through innovations in screen technology.


2. Unmanned driving
In the 5G era, the most promising is unmanned driving. It analyzes the enormous amount of information sent from various sensors installed in a large amount in the driving car, feeds back the automatic driving technology that immediately operates the driving, and at the same time all the technical conditions of 5 G, that is, high speed. Demands large capacity, high reliability, low latency, and large-scale simultaneous connection. With 5G low latency (fast data synchronization between vehicles to avoid accidents) and high speed (massive data exchange), autonomous driving has endless possibilities.


3. Internet of Things
The network connection point required for IoE (Internet of Everything) is much larger than the human connection point. 5G technology has high throughput and increases the potential for the Internet of Everything, which has the potential to enable and become popular in smart homes. In an era where everything in life is connected to the Internet, the way the city should be is changing.

How will smart devices develop in the future? The ICT field is changing rapidly, and ultra-long-term future prediction is basically impossible, so it is more important to clarify the future vision and move toward its realization rather than predicting the future.

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